About 6 years ago I was introduced to a magical world of stickers, glitter and beautiful paper where I could show case my photos and document my family’s history. I’ll NEVER forgive that woman! Because now I’m addicted!
All my life I have been what is called “crafty”. I’ve dabbled in everything from tissue paper flowers and macramé in the 70’s to ceramics, sketching and painting in the 80’s and knitting and crochet in the 90’s (I even had a knitting machine!). Then I got married and all of a sudden I had soooo much less free time and no space where I could create. Much of my friends (wool, patterns and various glue, paints and pretty things) remained in boxes. Then along came my son (my reason for living!) and I now had NO free time. Years passed and my friends remained in boxes. My family needed me more and before I knew what was happening my skills disappeared and so did my identity. My friends and I grew further and further apart.(I can’t even thread my sewing machine any more!)
So there I was a drift in life being “the wife, mother and career woman” but no longer being "Marlie the crafty". I was lost and unhappy.
Then one day, at my son’s soccer game, we moms were sitting on the sidelines and chatting about nothing specific when I said to “ Bad Influence”, (We’ll call her that for now. She is really the mother of one of my son’s teammates and best friends to this day.) “What is “Creative Memories”? ( It was printed on the cushion she was sitting on at the time.) “Well, let me tell you about the company…. And that was it I was hooked.
I booked a “class” and invited everyone that I thought would be interested and I was so excited. My mother and her friend showed up out of the 22 people I invited. Okay, so whatever! I just wanted to see the magic. After the prerequisite “presentation” we started playing with the paper, cutting systems and photos. I wanted more, I wanted to spend every waking moment making and discovering and I just couldn’t get enough. That was probably the largest 1 person party order she had ever had!
Still there was never enough time or space. So more friends we relegated to boxes. I found beautiful organizers and storage cases to put them in and I lovingly sorted and organized them. I pulled them out before Christmas and whipped up a few albums intended to make the grand folk cry. (It worked) I went to one weekend crop and almost finished my honeymoon album and that was it. Oh I discovered card making so we (my son and I) would make cards at birthdays and holidays but even that fell by the way side because of a shortage of time and space.
Running a household, building a full-time career (in a man’s profession) and building a company in that same industry doesn’t leave much time for anything else. At the end of the day I didn’t have much energy or inclination to “do” or “create” anything so I shopped online and planned all those projects that I would make someday...
“Ohhh! I have to have that for the school days album and the fishing signs and stickers for the fishing albums I’m going to make for so many relatives.” I would exclaim; “That’s such a good deal! I’m sure I will need those.” etc, etc, etc. Next thing I knew I had so many boxes of friends I barely remembered them all. I started buying the same things over and not even knowing.
“How sad!” you say? Yes well it is and that is what addiction can do! I was now in it for the hunt! The best deal and price, eBay? Addicted too..? scrap booking.com? paper wishes? Oh my crafts? Where would it be? Who has the best deal on shipping? Is it USD or CAD?
My mistakes will end up benefiting you in the end. Sales or Contests we’ll see how things play out...
But I digress, the point is I now have my scrap room! Custom cabinets, endless counter space and drawers, drawers and more drawers! I still don't have much time but I'm learning how to MAKE time.
So, I’m finally getting moved in and going to start all those projects that I bought all the supplies for and as I complete them I’ll post the pictures here along with reviews of the various products and tools I use. (Including this blog, I've never blogged before either and this looked like one of the most popular and simplistic to run).
I can’t really believe that I’m going public with this but I guess it’s a therapy of sorts. This has been building for a while and “The Julie and Julia Project” finally pushed me over the edge. So, here we go! It could be a roller coaster so if your up for the ride lets go! Did I mention I love food and cooking too? Another story and another blog! LMAO!
I was pretty good at everything I tried but never found one thing that captivated my attention in the way scrap booking and paper crafting. So lets see how well I can follow through! :)
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